Kara no shoujo Vol. 1 殻ノ少女 第1話
Kara no Shoujo story revolves around Reiji Tokisaka, a private investigator who is investigating a series of grotesque murders on the request of his former colleague, Kyozo Uozumi of the Tokyo metropolitan police force. The murders are reminiscent of another string of serial murders that occurred six years ago prior where Reiji lost his fiancee which drives him with a strong desire to solve this case. Reiji is also asked by Toko Kuchiki to find her real self, Reiji is initially unsure of what she means but later finds out that Toko is actually an adopted child. While working on the murder cases, Reiji also takes some time out to get to know Toko and to also try and find out where she has been when she was young and who her real parents are.
movie | Nov 30 2021
Oppai Heart 2 おっぱいハート~彼女はケダモノ発情期ッ!~
movie | Dec 12 2022
[2022-12-11] Meiko Shiraki - Humiliating Punishment.
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